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Psique VIII
January 1st to December 31st, 2012
Index of articles in this issue
Person-centered approach: directivity from a customer perspective
Bruno de Morais Cury; Leandro Bicalho Lopes; Daniele Pereira Linhares
Presence of violence in the noviazgo in students of a Portuguese university
Maria del Pilar González Flores; Luis Rey Yedra; Laura Oliva Zárate, Miriam Magaly Calderón Vidal
Educator training and a person-centered approach instrumentation of students in the face of educational issues
Bruno de Morais Cury; Leandro Bicalho Lopes
Therapeutic perspectives of working with the homosexual population
Cide Filipe Branco de Campos Neves
The importance of organizational conflict_ identification, strategies and models
António Camilo-Alves; Philip Miranda; João Pinto; Ludmilla Santos; Vera Matos; José Magalhães
Study and evaluation of the perception of residents of the municipality of Ourém on domestic violence
Ana Alves; José Magalhães
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