Instructions for Reviewers

Articles submitted for publication in Psique will be evaluated by two experts in the scientific domain of the study, with PhDs in Psychology.

The steps involved in the submission and acceptance/rejection process of manuscripts are as follows:

  1. Manuscripts are received by the editor of the journal and, after a preliminary analysis, will be sent for the opinion of two reviewers, under a double anonymous peer review system. The anonymity of both authors and reviewers is preserved.
  2. Reviewers will evaluate the manuscripts and give their opinion regarding the quality and the relevance of the manuscripts, given the objectives and scope of the journal, and should suggest specific reformulations to improve the quality of the manuscripts.
    C. If the two reviewers do not agree on the evaluation of a manuscript, the editor can evaluate the manuscript and decide on its publication or request the opinion of a third reviewer.

Each reviewer must carefully read the manuscript and issue a justified and reasoned report on the manuscript's suitability for publication in the Psique. The dimensions to be considered in the evaluation process are the following:

  1. Relevance and relevance of the theme for the scientific field of Psychology;
  2. Coverage, adequacy and currentness of the analyzed scientific literature;
  3. Adequacy of methodological procedures regarding the aims of the study;
  4. Clarity of writing and correction of the article's structure, according to the APA criteria;
  5. Validity of the results obtained in relation to the objectives and methodological procedures developed;
  6. Scope, articulation and depth in the discussion of the results obtained;
  7. Formal correction of bibliographic references, formulas and tables, according to APA formal criteria.

For instructions on ethical criteria in the editorial process, please read the tab Editorial Ethics and Good Publication Practices.

Authors will be informed of the editorial decision, usually within a period of three months, which may be:

  1. a) Accepted (the manuscript has been accepted for publication in its current form);
  2. b) Conditionally accepted, with minor reformulations. In this case, after the changes have been made, the reformulated article can be accepted by the editor;
  3. c) Invited to re-submit after substantial reformulations (the topic interests the journal, however, the article needs a profound reformulation). In these cases, authors are invited to reformulate the article according to the reviewers' suggestions and to resubmit it to the journal. After the articles have been reformulated, they will be sent back to the reviewers for a second evaluation;
  4. d) Rejected (when it was considered that the manuscript did not meet the criteria for publication in the journal).
  5. The review process is done through the platform ScholarOne