Elaboration and submission of articles

The preparation and submission of articles to the Psique journal is subject to international scientific standards, according to the following conditions:

  1. Articles submitted for publication must be original and unpublished. The authors sign a declaration (Annex 1) where they guarantee:

A) That they carried out the work they are presenting and that they are fully responsible for what is written in the articles;

B) That they respected the international ethical and methodological standards in force in the scientific area of Psychology, proposed by the American Psychological Association (APA) and by the European Science Foundation (European Code of Conduct for Integrity of Research);

C) That the they did not submit the work simultaneously to another journal for publication;

D) The journal will use all means to guarantee the above criteria, namely, being able to request proof of documents and through the use of plagiarism software (Urkund). Authors will be informed in case there are indicators of plagiarism, being able to comment on these indicators before the article is rejected.

2. Psique owns the copyright on the publication, however, each author has the copyright from your own text; in case it is later republished elsewhere, a reference to the publication in Psique is requested. The journal does not embargo any articles. The author(s) may publish the article in self-archiving systems or in institutional repositories. Under no circumstances does the journal charge publication, acceptance, dissemination, or other charges.

  1.  Articles sent for submission must be sent electronically through the platform Scholar One via the link:
  1. The first page of the article must include the full name(s) of the author(s) (no acronyms), ORCID ID, respective affiliation, place and country, as well as the contact email(s) of all the authors of the article.
  1. The texts can be presented in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.
  1. The proposed articles are submitted to a process of scientific arbitration, blind peer review carried out by at least two specialists (PhDs in Psychology) who are part of the journal's Editorial Board, most of whom are external to the journal. Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.
  1. The process of submission and evaluation of submitted manuscripts will follow the following steps:
  • Articles are received by the journal Editor and sent to two reviewers. Articles will be sent without the authors' names to the reviewers. The entire process of reviewing the articles is done under the anonymity of the authors to ensure a “blind peer review”. In the evaluation process, reviewers will also be kept anonymous to authors;
  • The reviewers will evaluate the articles and express their opinion on the quality of the article, on the pertinence of its publication in the journal and may indicate suggestions for improvement as specific as possible for the reformulation of the article. In case the opinions of the reviewers are in disagreement, the Editor may decide on the publication, after his own analysis of the article, or he may request another opinion from a third reviewer;
  • Authors will be informed of the editorial decision, within an average period of three months, which may consist of:
    • a) Accepted (the manuscript has been accepted for publication in its current form);
    • b) Conditionally accepted, through minor reformulations, in this case, after the changes introduced, the reformulated article can be accepted by the editor;
    • c) Invited to re-submit after substantial reformulations (the topic interests the journal, however, the article needs a profound reformulation). In these cases, authors are invited to reformulate the article according to the reviewers' suggestions and to resubmit it to the journal. After the articles have been reformulated, they will be sent back to the reviewers for a second evaluation;
    • d) Rejected (when it was considered that the manuscript did not meet the criteria for publication in the journal).
  1. The base language for sending the original files is “.doc”.
  1. The size of articles is limited to 30 pages, excluding the list of bibliographic references, tables and figures.
  1. Images (diagrams, maps, tables and graphs) must be referred to and identified in accordance with the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
  1. The structure of the articles must comply with the rules of the last edition of the APA Publications Manual. The title and abstract must be written in the original language of the article and in English, as well as the keywords of the article. The abstract has a limit of up to 200 words and is followed by the keywords, with a maximum of five.
  1. Quotations and bibliographic references are made in accordance with the rules of the latest edition of the APA Publications Manual, for example:

A) Scientific Journal Articles: Herbst-Damm, KL, & Kulik, JA (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24, 225–229.

B) Books`Author: Mitchell, TR, & Larson, JR, Jr. (1987). people in organizations: An introduction to organizational behavior (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill.

C) Book Chapters: Bjork, RA (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In HL Roediger III & FIM Craik (Eds.), Varieties of memory & consciousness (pp. 309–330). Erlbaum.

  1. Whenever justified, without prejudice to their inclusion in the document in “.doc”, the original files of tables and figures can be sent separately, in JPEG, TIFF or XLS format.
  1. Footnotes are made in accordance with the guidelines of the latest edition of the APA Publications Manual.
  1. Psique publishes five types of articles:

A) Empirical articles that present reports of original scientific investigations.

B) Literature review articles that develop critical analyzes of previously published material.

C) Theoretical articles in which the author develops advances on innovative or previously published theories.

D) Methodological articles that present new methodological approaches, modification of existing methods or discussions on quantitative or qualitative approaches in scientific research.

E) Case studies that report on case material obtained in the course of working with individuals, groups, a community or an organization.

  1. The Psique journal has a maximum publication limit of one article by the same author in each volume.
  1. The editorial board of Psique, responsible for the evaluation of published articles, is made up of at least 75% by members of academic institutions external to the host institution of Psique.
  1. It is published every six months, with publication dates from January 1st to June 31st and from July 1st to December 31st.
  1. Psique subscribes to codes of ethics and good editorial practices, namely:

The Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, from the Committee on Publication Ethics – Committee on Publication Ethics (2011). Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Retrieved from

The White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications, from the Council of Science Editors – Scott-Lichter, D. & Editorial Policy Committee, Council of Science Editors (2012). CSE's White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications. Retrieved from

For more details on the ethical obligations of authors, reviewers and editorial coordination, consult the Editorial Ethics and Good Practices tab.

  1. At no stage of the editorial process are costs established for authors. Psique is a non-profit scientific publication.
  2. In case of publication, the authors allow the use of their work through the use of the creative commons license, CC-BY [], which allows the copying, distribution and transmission of the content, as well as its adaptation for commercial use.

To download the copyright statement, click on the following link.